Is it possible to recycle your windscreen?
Absolutely yes, it is possible to recycle your windscreen. This is however not on your own but from a company that specialises in windscreen recycling. Windscreens are considered to need a replacement when they are beyond repair. However, this is after experts assess the last possible method of repairing and having them fit for the car failing to secure a safe repair method for the windscreen.
Windscreens are made up of two layers of glass with a middle layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB). This middle layer makes the windscreen firm to resist damage and breakage. In the past, the window screen could not be recycled. There was no enough technology that would facilitate the recycling of windscreen. Nonetheless, nowadays windscreens are recyclable.
Advanced technology has made this process easy and doable. The damaged windscreen is first crushed into tiny pieces mixing the broken glass with PVB middle layer. The broken pieces are thereafter served into a separating machine where glass is separated from PVB. Glass is among the most adaptable substances and can be redone into new shapes and products. The separated glass is then used to make glass bowls and utensils and other glass-related products.
Nonetheless, windscreen recycling must meet the criteria and requirements set by government standards. The government of Australia, for example, has stringent rules and procedures that windscreen recycling companies must meet to perform the recycling process. This limits you on the possibility of recycling the windscreens from your home.
Windscreen recycling is safe for the environment. Avoiding landfilling of the windscreen is highly recommended. Windscreen recycling companies, therefore, help much in the prevention of environmental degradation through dumping.
Many windscreen repairing and replacing companies do not have specialised sections for glass recycling. They, however, hold agreements with windscreen recycling companies where they deliver their worn-out and damaged windscreens for recycling.
If you have more questions about your windscreen and how to repair or replace your windscreen, contact Novus Auto Glass. With over 30 years of experience servicing in the motor industry, you can be sure you’re making a clear choice.
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