How To Protect Your Windscreen From Damages
Windscreen replacement is a constant problem for drivers. The harsh climate and the often untidy neighborhood that we drive through can damage your windscreen very quickly if not appropriately protected. A recent study found that vehicle owners should have the windshields of their cars replaced every six years, as they are subject to cracks and chipping. Use a Cloth To Remove Dirt And Grime Windscreens are expensive to replace, but you can protect your current one by using a cloth to remove dirt and grime. Dirt and grime on the windshield may cause the glass to crack and chip. These are the biggest enemies of your windscreen. If left unchecked, they can eat away at its molding, leaving deep marks that are extremely difficult to remove. Use a Squeegee To Remove Excess Water The rain has finally stopped, and it’s time to head out. But before you get in the car, be sure to use a squeegee to remove any excess water that has pooled on your windscreen. It’s essential to remove excess w...